Is my annoyance at the Welsh F.A. looking to give Llanelli's rugby stadium some senior Welsh internationals just a kneejerk reaction?
I can't deny that a lifetime of seeing the Welsh agenda set by the south, both politically and on the media, has left me with a chip on my shoulder, and perhaps we should look favourably at any new venue. However, I find it a little worrying that the FAW are so keen to leap, slavering, into committing to yet another South Walian venue. As the article points out, the experience of hosting games at Swansea's new ground has been disappointing, and the Millennium Stadium's pitch is a cause for concern. However, the crumbs that have been thrown our way in recent years have been well supported, and the BBC's article treats us as something of an aside.
If they're just talking about the odd friendly, I'll just be a little miffed, but if they're going to
give a designated rugby stadium in the south with a slightly smaller capacity than us a full international, I suspect I'll start feeling my paranoia's got some substance to it. After all, The Racecourse has everything the Millennium Stadium has, including a ropey playing surface!

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