Tuesday 22 February 2011


Not long to wait now then; it's time to face up to what we want and not blink in the face of the challenge.

Yesterday's dramatic events turned everything on its head, and we're closer to being a fan-run club than ever. However, once the euphoria of seeing the club statements died off, I started thinking about what it really meant.

Clearly the demonstrations on Saturday had the desired effect, and enormous credit goes to the fans for what happened. It would seem that the owners' response is to decide to sell to a reputable consortium, which is what we've wanted all along. However, that decision seems to have come at a price: their immediate withdrawal of funding.

This was inevitable anyway. One thing is clear. Having waited to see if Kidderminster might drop off the pace of the play-off race by losing ten points, now we must ask ourselves whether we face the same fate.

It would be a vicious blow which the playing and coaching staff don't deserve. However, we must stand firm in the face of such a fate and drive through the deal. It might be frightening to contemplate the responsibility, but if the traditional model of football club ownership can't protect the club's assets, then we must take the leap and put them into hands we can trust.

If the price of long-term security is a handicap this season, so be it. Do it for the generations of Wrexham fans to come.

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